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Synopsis Writing Services

Do you know the difference between a book synopsis and a book blurb? They are both a summary of your book, but are written differently and target different audiences. A synopsis can be used for pitching your book to a publisher or agent or providing beta readers or book bloggers with a longer summary to determine if the book is a good fit for them. It gives the reader a unique point of view to decide if they are interested in your manuscript.

Why do you need a synopsis of your book?

A synopsis is a longer summary of your manuscript, with more details than a book blurb. It can help you market your book better upon publishing it. You will be able to reference the synopsis if you are marketing more than one book at a time or are asked to discuss it after being slightly removed from all of the book’s nuances.

When sending a synopsis to an agent or publisher, it should be clear, tell the reader about the major plot points and characters, and emphasize the book’s draw for readers. An agent or publisher can use the synopsis to determine if they want to take you on as a client.

For beta readers and book bloggers, the synopsis works as a way to determine if reviewing the book will fit into the genres they read or review.

Authors want favorable reviews for their books, so finding beta readers and book bloggers who are interested in the book is important. A synopsis can help authors find those people to read and review their manuscripts before it is published.

Format of a Synopsis

There is a basic format for writing a synopsis. The format of the synopsis will depend on the genre of the manuscript, but most will follow the same format. It begins with identifying your protagonist and details about the setting. Followed by discussing major plot points or twists, without revealing the ending, and then the conflict. Then it ends with how the conflicts will be resolved. The synopsis is clear and to the point.

My Synopsis Writing Service

The only way to truly know a book is to read it. Due to this, my synopsis writing service can be used either as an add-on to an editing project OR as a separate service.

Standalone Synopsis Writing Service

For clients engaging in synopsis writing only, my rates include a read-through of your manuscript and notes taken for each section, then a first draft sent to you when this is done with revisions.

Cost: $455 for one read-through with extensive notes and a synopsis of up to 600 words

Synopsis Writing Add-On Service

For clients who are having me edit your writing projects, you can choose to add-on the option of having me write a book synopsis. The synopsis will be up to 500 words and will include details on your main character(s) and plot points, as well as other information to entice a publisher, agent, or other person reading the synopsis to read your entire book.

Cost: $350 for a synopsis of up to 600 words

Rates revised Jan. 2025

Contracts and Revisions

Each synopsis writing service will require a contract. If you are engaging with synopsis writing as part of an add-on to line edits, the synopsis will be a line item in the contract and payment schedule.

For both standalone synopsis writing and the add-on service, the cost of the project includes two to three revisions. If more edits are still desired after the original revisions, additional charges will apply.

Please contact me if you have questions.